5901 Riley Park Drive, Suite B | Fort Smith, AR 72916

frequently asked questions
We know new and even seasoned parents may have questions about their child's health, especially during an emergency situation. Here are some commonly asked questions about our pediatric services.
Q: How often should my child see the pediatrician?
A: Obviously your child should be seen when they are ill, but it is also important to schedule well-child-care exams regularly. These are often called well-care visits or checkups. These routine examinations provide the best opportunity for the provider to observe the progress of your child's physical and mental growth and development; to counsel and teach parents; to detect problems through screening tests; to provide immunizations, and to get to know one another. Well-care visits are strongly recommended as part of preventive pediatric care.
Well-child visits are also a good time for parents to raise questions and concerns about a child's development, behavior, nutrition, safety and overall well-being.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends this schedule for routine well-care visits:
3 to 5 days
1 month
2 months
4 months
6 months
9 months
12 months
15 months
18 months
24 months
30 months
3 years
4 years
And once every year thereafter for an annual health supervision visit that includes a physical exam as well as a developmental, behavioral, and learning assessment.
Q: I'm looking for reliable health information online, any idea where I can find good information?
A: Premier Pediatrics is pleased to provide access to the American Academy of Pediatrics health education portal. It's a good starting place for questions on everything from growth and development to behavioral issues to common illnesses and conditions. Of course, we're always here to help as well when you have questions or concerns about your child's health. We want to partner with you in their care.
Q: What is the best way to schedule an appointment with your office?
A: You can schedule an appointment by calling or texting 479.763.3050 during regular business hours.
Q: Is your office accepting new patients?
A: Yes, we always welcome new patients. There is limited availability for ARKids. Call the ARKids hotline at 1-888-474-8275 to check availability.
Q: What insurances does your office accept?
A: Here’s a list of insurances we are currently accepting. If you have any questions, please call our office. The staff there will have the most recent information.
Q: This is my first baby and I’m looking for a pediatrician. Are you accepting newborns?
A: Congratulations! Yes, we love babies. Click here for more information for expecting parents.
Q: My child sees another pediatrician but I’d love to use Premier Pediatrics Urgent Care on nights and weekends. Do you see patients of other doctors?
A: Yes, one of the reasons Premier Pediatrics Urgent Care is open is so that children can be seen by providers specializing in pediatrics even when their regular doctor’s office is closed. Following an urgent care visit, we’ll be in touch with your doctor with any information they need for follow-up. We want to work closely with your primary care provider as an after-hours resource.
Q: How do I know if urgent care is right for my child or if they need to go to the emergency room?
A: We treat minor trauma and most illnesses. We offer x-ray services, splinting, laceration repair and lab services. Learn more here.
There are instances where your child should be seen in a hospital emergency room when a higher level of care/diagnostics may be necessary. These include motor vehicle accidents, head injuries with loss of consciousness, significant dehydration requiring IV Fluid therapy, broken bones with bone visible through the skin, and seizures that do not stop on their own.
If you need guidance on which level of care is appropriate for your child, please do not hesitate to call.